About me
From a young age, I have been riding horses and owned horses myself. After completing high school, I obtained my instructor's certificate and worked as a riding instructor and horse trainer. Later on, I became a saddle fitter (Master Saddle Fitter Consultant) and bridle maker.
The welfare of the horses and having fun together have always been very important to me. Since having children, I quit working as a saddle fitter.
Beeing a mom also ment less time to ride my horses. The rare moments I have for my horses I now use optimally to do something that both I and my horses enjoy. Riding is no longer the most important thing; I enjoy just as much working with them from the ground or taking them for a walk.
In the past I realy enjoyed spending hours with my horse, riding in the forest or the dunes. I would bring something to drink and snacks for me and my horse and take a break halfway along the way.
I often went for walks with my Shetland pony or took him along next to my Irish Cob. We went to the forest, the beach, and I also took them with me on my holiday every year.
The joy I had with my horses back then is something I don't want to lose now I’m an adult. I may not have as much time to go out alone and wander through the woods for hours, but with my children, we also have wonderful adventures with the ponies. I used to carry a child in a carrier myself and our picnic supplies in a backpack. But I felt that my horse or Shetland pony could also help me out a bit. I searched for pack saddles for small ponies but couldn't quite find what I was looking for. It was often too big or had a hard structure that was more developed for donkeys or mules with a completely different shaped back.
That's why I decided to develop a backpack for horses myself.
Our Shetlands are always eager to come along and proudly carry their own backpack on their backs with our picnic supplies, rain gear, shovels, buckets, and everything else we might need along the way to have even more fun during our outings.